Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Yay!! Tomorrow I’m sending out my very first ever author newsletter, and I’m berry  excited! Blackberries
Yeah,  I know. Sorry–couldn’t resist that one! But seriously–you don’t want to miss this thing–it’s full of goodies.  I’m sharing a passed-down-through-the-family recipe for fruit crisp that is truly fabulous. AND–an even MORE exciting treat–I’ll tell you about a wonderful contest where you can win 35–count ’em–35 inspirational books! Plus, you’ll get all the news about my next Love Inspired release,  Hometown Hope including a peek at its beautiful cover!
And there’s a cow picture snapped from my own front porch. Because, ya’ll. Cows.
Come on! What’s not to love here? Don’t worry–there’s still time to sign up! Just click here ! Be sure that you click the red button at the bottom of the sign up form, and you’re good to go!
Can’t wait to visit with you tomorrow!


  1. Patti Jo Moore on February 27, 2019 at 10:05 pm

    YAY LAUREL!! Cannot wait for your berry first newsletter! (And that fruit crisp recipe too…yum!)
    I am in awe of you writing great books AND working on a farm—whew!
    Looking forward to your new LI book (and many more to come)!.
    Hugs, Patti Jo (who uses waaay too many !!!!! in my comments!!)

    • laurelblountbooks on February 27, 2019 at 10:46 pm

      We are kindred spirits! I love exclamation points too!!! Thanks for being excited with me–that makes it twice as much fun!!

  2. Kathy Gardner on February 28, 2019 at 12:32 pm

    You are amazing! I’m so excited for you.

    • laurelblountbooks on February 28, 2019 at 1:23 pm

      Thanks, my sweet friend! I think you’re amazing, too!!

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